Why I Love My Age – and My Favorite Products for Middle-Aged Women

posted in: Beauty & Wellness

So, I’m turning 52 this week. F-I-F-T-Y T-W-O!!  How did that happen?

I guess that makes me officially “middle-aged,” but what does that even mean? Not too long ago, it meant that you were washed up and over the hill – or at least headed towards that pasture. But today, while being 50+ undoubtedly means that you have fewer years ahead of you than behind – a depressing thought – you are still vibrant, valuable, and maybe even a badass.  

Much of the time, I do feel like a badass. I’m all, “I’m over 50, hear me roar.” But there are those days when I wake up and see a crazy-looking grey-haired woman staring at me in the mirror. Or when it hurts like hell to get up off the couch.

And it’s not only that I’m getting older, which stinks in itself. Aging comes with so many problems! Dry hair, dull skin, a thickening waistline. Oh, the humanity!  Thankfully, I’ve found some products that help make those problems a bit less problematic. I hope you like them too.

Products for dry skin (body)

Since I was a kid, I’ve been obsessed with having soft skin. When I was 5, my mom opened a beauty apothecary in town, so my love of self-care started early.

I’ve fallen in love with Peet Bros. Hemp Oil and CBD Lotion. It comes in a few fragrances, but my favorite is Chamomile Green Tea, which is very light and fresh. The lotion is so lightweight but makes my skin really soft. I’m more accustomed to using thick creams and body butters to resolve my dry skin issue, so fast-absorbing lotion like this is a welcome treat.


Products for dull, dry skin (face)

I love glowy skin, but skin dulls with age. I find that regular exfoliation and facial massage helps me get my glow on. Some tools that I find effective are the Foreo Luna silicone facial brush and a Gua Sha/facial roller. You can use the Foreo with water and a cleanser for a deep clean, but I like to use it with a serum or facial oil in the morning, which I find helps the product to absorb.


At night, I apply oil or serum and massage my skin with a Gua Sha or a facial roller, which are stone facial tools.  Amazon has rose quartz roller/gua sha sets for under $17.


Also, the very best thing you can do for your skin is to protect it from the sun. Every day. Rain or shine. These days, I’ve been using the C’est Moi Tinted Moisturizing Lotion SPF 30.  This is designed for young skin, but I absolutely love it! It has the perfect amount of coverage and a mineral SPF, which I need because I’ve developed a sensitivity to chemical SPF’s. I need extra moisture, so I apply it on top of a rich face cream.


Products for dry lips

I’ve always struggled with dry lips, and I find that my lips get drier every year. To combat that, I use the Ecolips Mongokiss lip balm. It keeps my lips nourished and I appreciate it’s subtle scent/taste.


Products for dull, grey hair

I have chosen to own my grey hair rather than cover it, but doing so comes with its own set of challenges. I have dry, curly hair and frizz just comes with the territory. But I find that when my grey hair looks frizzy, it makes me look years older.

Cantu products work well for me in general, but my go-to is their Shea Butter Moisturizing Curl Activator Cream, which smoothes frizz and defines my curls without making my hair feel like a helmet. I also really like their Hydrating Conditioning Rinse and Edge Stay Gel.


Also, if my hair is brighter, the grey hair doesn’t age as much so I brighten my grey regularly with a toning product. When my hair needs serious TLC, I use Better Not Younger Purple Butter Mask. It nourishes my hair while it brightens.


I also recently discovered that the L’Oreal Everpure Brass Toning Shampoo that my daughter uses for her bleached bangs brightens grey too, so I use that every couple of weeks.


Products for overall wellness

I’ve found that three things that come with menopause – achiness, moodiness, and restless sleep – can be ameliorated with CBD. I am an avid CBD user and have written about it a lot. I’ve written at length about a slew of my favorite CBD brands, but a few newbies that are my go-to’s at the moment are:

Essential Candy Hemp Extract Hard Candies, which take the edge off if I’m feeling anxious or grumpy during the day.


Solari Hemp Liquid Softgel Capsules, which I take before bed when I get that familiar “uh-oh, I’m going to be up for hours” feeling. Also good for all-over body achiness.


Muscle MX Activate & Recovery Balm Bundle: These CBD balms are for before (Activate) and after (Recovery) exercise, or any time you’re feeling muscle aches. I use them on my lower back a lot and I love the wind-up tube, which I appreciate because I don’t have to put my fingers in a jar.


Welp, these are all my latest must-haves! I hope that you try and enjoy them and I hope that aging isn’t horrible for you. It doesn’t have to be! 

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Smart Shopping Expert

Trae Bodge is an accomplished lifestyle journalist and TV commentator who has specialized in smart shopping, personal finance, and retail for more than a decade. She has appeared on TV over 1,000 times; including Today Show, GMA3, NBC Nightly News, Inside Edition, and network affiliates nationwide. She has been named a Top Voice in Retail by LinkedIn, and her expert commentary has appeared in Forbes, USNews.com, Kiplinger, Yahoo Finance, and numerous others.

  1. Claudia

    Happy, happy b’day! I didn’t see a date on the above email but today (9/8) is my birthday. So maybe we share that date?! Looks like I’ve got a of couple decades on you … I just turned 71. Whew-ee, I can hardly type or grasp that number!! But the way I feel is that every year is truly a gift which reminds me to enjoy each day and put it to use: find beauty, slow down, share patience, spread kindness, be positive, choose simplicity, stay sincere and (especially now at 70+) keep provention in mind (to stay healthy, steady, happy, relaxed and at ease.) It’s never, never too soon.
    Trae, enjoy the days of your year to the hilt. Love & best wishes, C.